10 Reasons Twilight Princess Is Actually The Best Zelda Game Ever

2. The Deepest Story Of Any Zelda Game

Given that the plot of the average Zelda game doesn't extend beyond "Save the princess, save the world," it's admittedly something of a back-handed compliment to say that the Twilight Princess sports a better story than the rest of the franchise. Even compared to other narrative heavy games, though, Twilight Princess manages to impress. The basic plot involves all the Zelda mainstays (Master Sword, Ganon, a princess in peril, etc.), but here we also get to explore an entirely new world full of mystical wonders and political intrigue that Hyrule never quite possessed before. Even more amazing, there is actually an element of Dark Souls style storytelling here as not all of the plot is shoved down player's throats and instead must be discovered through environmental clues and character interactions. If that isn't your thing, then you'll also be happy to hear that this is perhaps the most cinematic of all the Zelda games as well. The only problem with the story in Twilight Princess, is that it showcased the narrative capabilities of the Zelda franchise in a way that Nintendo must now somehow live up to through each new instalment.

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.