10 Reasons Watch Dogs Is A Huge Disappointment

3. It Should Be Smarter

There were major expectations that Watch Dogs would be an extremely intelligent, groundbreaking video game that confronted the very current political issues of the "surveillance state"; freedom of information, privacy of the person, and so on. While it does touch on this in a relatively broad but effective manner through Aiden's ability to scan anyone in his vicinity and be privy to unsavoury - sometimes amusing - personal information (as well as steal their money), the game just doesn't go far enough with it. Had the writers been a little more thoughtful, they could have toyed more with the idea that Aiden's information itself may have been incorrect, even a form of political propaganda by the state, but instead everything Aiden discovers appears to be gospel, and he is never really reprimanded for failing to question it (even though the game seems like it's going to go this route several times). Instead of this thought-provoking approach, the game's social commentary seems strangely flat and old hat.
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Watch Dogs
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.