10 Reasons We Need Bloodborne 2 Instead Of Dark Souls 4

8. Make Use Of Lighting

bloodborne torch

This is purely my opinion, but I think that Bloodborne was so nearly perfect in its atmosphere, but with a few tweaks could make a genuinely terrifying horror/action game hybrid. If we paired the promised lighting engine of Dark Souls 2 with the tight enclosed spaces and streets of Yharnam, you would have a game that would be genuinely scary. For a game that already had quite a few haunting and chilling moments, a sequel could make it brilliant.

It would make perfect sense for a sequel to incorporate darker spaces and it’s one of the main reasons that I want a sequel to the game. The potential to be had from using lighting to a greater degree could turn the series into a hack and slash horror game as you stalk the streets, knowing full well that you are in turn being stalked. The potential game that could be made could be what we are wanting and could add new opportunities for FromSoftware to stretching their creative muscles and give us an atmospheric experience like no other.

And while it may stretch the boundaries of warranting a sequel, the game that could be made and the prospect of having that world to explore on the off chance FromSoftware come up with the idea, is reason enough to want one. I mean just imagine it. Does it not make you want a sequel?

Whilst it’s unlikely that FromSoftware would even listen to me, they may come up with it on their own and a great experience could be born from it. Bloodborne… get it? Born from it, bloodborne… No? Moving swiftly on…

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.