10 Reasons Why We Love DOOM

8. Maintaining An All Encompassing Reach

Doom 4
iD Software/LazyGameReviews

Doom's reach has always been insane.

Whatever console you've ever owned, chances are there has been at least one version of the Doom legacy at your disposal. Multi-console ports are by no means uncommon for big-buck franchises, but Doom just about tops it. For example, back in the 90s, nobody thought they could squish all the action of the original Doom into the Super Nintendo, but they did it. Let's also not forget the Final Doom Playstation port, the Doom RPG games for mobile phones, and that pocket calculator mod.

It takes some doing putting a game in so many places, and owners of games machines who thought they'd never get to play a Doom incarnation would often be pleasantly surprised. Ultimately, it's testament to the developers to grant their creation such universal accessibility.

Their latest triumph in this field has been Doom 2016's near-miraculous conversation to the Nintendo Switch. Besides a touch of lowered res and long distance blur, the game has lost none of the charm of its bigger PS/XBOX cousins. Bring on Eternal!

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net