10 Reasons WWE 2K17 Must Be A WCW Video Game

2. An nWo Mode Would Be Intriguing

The New World Order still stands out as one of the greatest ideas in WCW history. The renegade group were dripping in cool vibes, making them one of the most popular factions ever. For a spell, Eric Bischoff was even tempted to promote the nWo above WCW, splitting the brands as 2 separate organisations which would feud against one another. When Hulk Hogan unthinkably turned heel at the 1996 Bash At The Beach, the entire wrestling world was left stunned. Similarly, when Sting changed his look drastically for the sole purpose of feuding with the nWo, people were hooked. Those are the types of moments which fans would enjoy playing in a WCW-themed video game, and it really needs to happen. Of course, the wheels would eventually fall off the nWo wagon. That said, there's enough about the history of the stable to weave an interesting tale full of enjoyable moments. That eventual breakdown could even be factored in, playing through the entire span of the nWo's existence in World Championship Wrestling.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.