10 Reasons WWE 2K17 Must Be A WCW Video Game

9. It'd Be Amazing History Lesson For Younger Gamers

WCW featured a plethora of unbelievable moments. For all the bad that would later happen in the company, there was still a reason to watch right until the bitter end. Large swathes of pro wrestling enthusiasts dearly loved the brand, and millions were sorry to see it go. Sure, Nitro may have been horrible TV towards the end, but that didn't mean people wanted to see WCW disappear. By the time calendars turn to March, 2016, it will have been 15 whole years since World Championship Wrestling was swallowed up by Vince McMahon. That means there's an entire generation of wrestling fans who were never privvy to what the promotion could offer. That's a real shame, because for as bad as WCW could be, it also had a fair share of memorable matches, characters and moments. There are younger wrestling fans who will be finding out about the organisation via the WWE Network. That's great, but it could be fun to teach them by way of a brand spanking new video game. Maybe the best way to go about this at first would be to have a 'WCW Mode' in a WWE 2K title, but young grappling fans would eat up the chance to explore a new world.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.