10 Reasons WWE 2K17 Must Be A WCW Video Game

4. Fans Could Regain Positive Memories Of WCW

Over the years, WWE have done a tremendous job of limiting the praise that WCW gets for being part of the 'Monday Night Wars'. It's been fascinating to watch the company become defensive over what their main rivals achieved, almost as though Vince McMahon refuses to give them any credit. For every little piece of good WCW was responsible for, it's usually regarded as a mistake or fluke by the McMahon family, at least publicly. Some of that has rubbed off on wrestling fans. It's far easier to look at all the negatives WCW had, rather than the positives. There were loads of good points, and a WCW video game could help re-establish in the minds of fans exactly why they fell in love with the company in the first place. This isn't something McMahon or WWE need to worry about, because World Championship Wrestling is dead. Instead of towing the party line that WCW was hapless, what it achieved should be celebrated. In turn, fans could come to realise that Vince's main competitor had much to cheer about, and enjoy playing as the promotion's top stars.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.