10 Reasons You're Wrong About Mass Effect 3's Ending

7. The Morality System Can't Do Everything

BiowareBioware Bioware

Some gamers have complained about the three given options being too ambiguous from a morality standpoint, which kept them from picking the one that best suited their moral preference. Never mind that the original two (red = kill, blue = control) are colour-coded and morally consistent with Renegades and Paragons, respectively.

Others wondered why the game simply didn't play out the right ending on its own. If Shepard had been executing mercs, decking reporters and strong-arming salespeople for the whole trilogy, why would they want to break character this close to the end? Never mind that this might be the only way the original cut could have been even more poorly received.

By the end of the game, there really is no more need for the moral ratings to play a role. It's the end of the story, and your Paragon/Renegade status simply wears out its usefulness a few scenes earlier. That doesn't mean the system has been thrown away; it's just hitting the showers after working hard for you all game long.

Can you imagineif the Catalyst gave you a choice between €œend this war peacefully€ and €œshow no mercy€? Would that have made it any better? Don't think - the answer is no.


CKUT radio host, underground lyricist, Michael Myers scholar and all-around world-class opiner. Signature move: Irony Bomb. Blood type: chai. Never seen in the same place and time as Logic Johnson, former featured columnist for Bleacher Report. Hopelessly unfamiliar with Yellow Submarine.