10 Reasons You're Wrong About Mass Effect 3's Ending
6. It's Not Just One Ending Tweaked Three Times
There are some who, among other exhibits against the endings, have pointed out an alleged plot hole concerning what happens to the mass relays, and thus the future of travel across the galaxy.
People quite correctly noticed that the relays explode during the final event as each one spreads a pulse of whatever colour your Shepard chose across the galaxy. However, some jump to the conclusion that this means they're destroyed. And therefore what the heck, all those squadrons from all over the galaxy, marooned in Earth space, doomed to yadda yadda yadda, not a happy ending.
Okay, so it's not going to be an easy two months, but in all three endings, the implication is that the mass relays will be restored. In the red ending, it's said that the relays were badly damaged. So it's the least hopeful ending it's still hope.
In the other two, the galaxy now has access to Reaper/Prothean technology; the entire theme is limitless potential and bright futures. It's safe to assume they fix those bad boys up in the epi-epilogue. Nobody told BioWare that some people need absolutely every detail spelled out.
Sorry, critics, no plot hole.