10 Reasons You're Wrong About Star Wars Battlefront

9. The Graphics Are Genuinely Stunning

Let€™s get the obvious out of the way: Battlefront is a gorgeous game to look at; a visual feast for the eyes that you can easily get lost in. The environments are immaculately detailed, a fact especially apparent on Hoth. The snow glistens in the sun, and if you stand still, you can see little snow flakes cover your gun. Whether you€™re running through trenches or dark hallways, these environments never stop impressing no matter how long you play. It€™s not just the environments either. Character designs and animations are realistic and fluid. Laser and particle effects are near perfect recreations of the effects from the films, and stunning to look at. Backgrounds are expansive, detailed, and brimming with activity, making the levels feel bigger than they actually are. You can look up at the sky and see battles rage above you. It all comes together to make the game feel alive. Of course, nobody expected anything less from a current-gen Star Wars game from EA and DICE. It€™s a beautiful game that renders the Star Wars universe with greater attention to detail than ever before. Luckily for Battlefront, the graphics aren€™t even its biggest selling point.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.