10 Reasons Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Is STILL The Best Game Of The Generation

8. Map Size

The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild Artwork

It would be an understatement to say that this is a large game, and the map certainly reflects the enormity of it. In terms of other Legend of Zelda games, it’s over 360 times larger than Ocarina of Time which, needless to say, is huge. To put that in terms of other action RPGs, this game is nine times the size of Skyrim – yes, that’s right, Skyrim! The seemingly eternal barren wasteland of the popular Elder Scrolls game has nothing on the scale of Breath of the Wild.

The largeness is used to great effect as many people will soon realise that this game is incredibly sparse and can be overwhelming at times, but that emptiness is intentional as for the first time in a game like this it makes the player focus on the landscape – artistic and beautiful. Also, as many players will quickly discover, that empty map may not always be as empty as it seems.

Countless hours can easily pass by as you simply paraglide through the skies, crossing kilometres of landscape to the backdrop of a setting sun and watching the world from the sky. The game never looks more beautiful than when you’re atop a mountain, looking over the vast expanse of this masterpiece and knowing that there’s so much more beyond the horizon.

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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!