10 Reasons Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Is STILL The Best Game Of The Generation

2. Combat

The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild Artwork

I’m not about to say that the combat in previous Zelda games is bad, only that the new system in Breath of the Wild is better. This is made possible mainly due to the endless supply of breakable weapons in the game which, while it is extremely frustrating when your weapon breaks, adds a new dimension in managing your resources.

The game still includes charged attacks like most other Zelda games, but this charge attack is now different depending on the type of weapons you’re using. With so many varied enemies, certain weapons will be much more useful in particular fights while other weapons may be less effective. The distinction between one-handed and two-handed weapons also leaves the player conscious of whether they can afford to not have their shield at the ready in any given fight.

On top of charge attacks, there are also new fight mechanics which allow you to parry blows, leaving melee attackers open while allowing you to fully redirect certain ranged attacks, as well as to dodge at the last moment, letting you get in multiple hits as time slows down around you. The combat system in this game meets and exceeds that of all of its predecessors and gives players a steep learning curve.

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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!