10 Recent Overhyped Video Games That Absolutely Flopped

7. Ghost Recon: Breakpoint

Evolve Bombed

Back when Ghost Recon: Wildlands released, it was met with mixed reviews, but quickly became a decent selling product, surpassing newly released games at the time such as Horizon Zero Dawn and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Surely Ubisoft had an ace up their sleeve with Ghost Recon: Wildlands and that would build to some bigger and better experiences. They sure seemed to think so.

Years later, Ubisoft teased Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, heavily emphasising its story and use of actor, Jon Bernthal. It seemed that Ubisoft learned from all the missteps taken in Ghost Recon: Wildlands and were able to improve upon the foundations.

Upon release, the reviews were average at best and many players didn't buy into all the promises made, which reflected in the poor sales numbers. It came to light that the game felt like a mis-mash of previous Ubisoft products, lacking an identity of its own.

Controversy sparked around the use of microtransactions, which left a bad taste in a lot of players mouthes and critics were quick to speak up about them.

As of now, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint can be picked up relatively cheap with all of its DLC. It's clear Ubisoft is abandoning this entry, leaving it to fend in the wildlands.


Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.