10 Recent Video Games That Totally Divided Players

5. Diablo IV

Hellblade II

Diablo IV released to generally rave reviews from critics, and the early player sentiment was pretty damn positive for the most part too, with a lot of love for its combat and atmosphere in particular.

But that all changed in the weeks and especially the months following release, as players reached the endgame content which many of them found disappointingly piecemeal. 

Couple this with controversial changes made to gameplay systems by Blizzard post-release, and the tide of public opinion quickly turned against it.

Basically, many players remain skeptical that Blizzard are going to deliver on the game's live service promises, and given what's been offered up over its first year on the market, that's certainly a valid stance.

But to the same token, if you just want to get in, experience the main story, get out, and move onto another game, Diablo IV's core experience has a lot of fun to behold.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.