10 Recent Video Games That Were Sent Out To Die

4. Battlefield V

Battlefield V

Ah, EA - we meet again. The Battlefield franchise was seemingly back in everyone's good graces following the release of BF1. The stink of the fourth game's launch had been well and truly washed away, replaced with a gritty, exciting take on a war that at that point hadn't received much representation in the world of video games.

The shooter was back on top of the world, and yet all that goodwill was soured by the very first trailer for Battlefield V. Unlike the stellar unveiling of Battlefield 1, V's reveal muddied the messaging, with a teaser which made the sequel look closer to Call of Duty or even Fortnite than DICE's series.

There was some bad faith criticism in there that contributed to the backlash, but there were also genuine concerns over the direction of the sequel, and whether or not EA would turn it into yet another microtransaction-riddled mess.

Consequently, the devs had an uphill battle from there on out, and spent the subsequent months convincing players that this would be a proper Battlefield experience. Sadly, that was again undone by a last-minute delay and the battle royale mode being pushed to the following March. By the time the release rolled around, players had gorged on Fall's other great games, and had little room left for another shooter.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3