10 Released Wrestlers Who Will Still Be In WWE 2K22
Released stars and current AEW wrestlers who will still be on WWE 2K22's roster.

Make no mistake: WWE 2K22 is the most important WWE video game ever.
2K know their credibility as a publisher took a major hit when 2K20 was deservedly torn to pieces by a p*ssed off consumer base who expected better. The company also know that its follow up (after taking a year off) must get everything right or face another lashing from the paying public.
The game's timing is also rather interesting; 2K ditched the traditional Q4 window in favour of a springtime release. Beyond the digital realm, WWE has also busily set about the task of releasing almost everybody too, and that could make the roster reveal must-see.
Vince McMahon has been terminating contracts left, right and centre. So, what does that mean for 2K22's character line up? Well, it means that some of those wrestlers who were released will still bag a place on the game's roster, which was once unthinkable.
There are loads of them too. 2K's tight schedule means developers have likely already produced models for these workers anyway, and WWE will have full say on who gets one of those tasty royalty payments. Yes, that includes some who currently work for the competition...
10. Toni Storm

Might as well start with one of the most recent releases.
Toni Storm's main roster run was miserable. It turns out that having pies smashed into your face, claiming you're now called "2 Pies Toni" and sitting in catering doing sod all for a few months does not make WWE life comfortable. So, ticked off and frustrated by the way things were going, Toni asked to be cut free.
This only happened on 29 December 2021, so there's a great chance that 2K have a Storm character model ready to go. It'd be a shame to scrap that, and to see Toni miss out on another WWE video game payment. Basically, fans should expect her to still pop up on the roster come release.
2K's rosters are often out of date when the game comes out anyway. That's not a knock, because it must be hard to keep up with Vince McMahon's endless string of hirings and firings.