10 Released Wrestlers Who Will Still Be In WWE 2K22

2. Jeff Hardy

WWE 2K22 Bray Wyatt
2K Games/WWE

Who knows what the future holds for Jeff Hardy?

The 'Charismatic Enigma' left WWE amidst more controversy on 9 December last year, and the man's personal demons/addictions are well-publicised. A few cameo appearances alongside brother Matt in AEW seem possible, but no-one should rule out an eventual WWE return post-WrestleMania 38 either.

In the short-term, Jeff is likely to find himself on the 2K22 roster page this March. He's one of the most-beloved superstars of his generation, after all, and seems perfect to slide into the legends wing for now. Besides, it'd be a travesty if players couldn't smash fools with a few Swanton Bombs off some really high ladders.

That's been the beauty of Hardy's work since early on: Jeff often seemed like a video game character come to life anyway, and it'd be rather sh*t if he wasn't in the next title. Currently, it's almost impossible to envision a 2K22 roster without him.

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