10 Released Wrestlers Who Will Still Be In WWE 2K22

1. Bray Wyatt

WWE 2K22 Bray Wyatt
2K Games/WWE

Speaking of characters who are ideal for video games...

Bray Wyatt's 12-year stay in WWE came to an end last July, and few outside the company bubble saw that coming. Indeed, Bray's 'Fiend' gimmick had become the supernatural force on TV, and the sheer amount of money WWE must've made from action figures and other merch alone surely meant he'd be a lifer.

It wasn't to be. Wyatt hasn't shown up anywhere else at time of writing though, and it is true that 'The Fiend' remains a compelling character - he's one people still talk about. Is it really too much to ask then that Bray's alter ego (just that alter ego) is included in 2K22? Nah, it's not.

Countless kids (young and old) worldwide would rejoice if the creepy masked bastard was on the roster reveal pre-release. Surely this is something that can be thrashed out between wrestler, 2K Games and WWE.

What other released stars could still be on WWE 2K22's roster? For more wrestling, check out WWE Day 1: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best and 10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Toni Storm!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.