10 Resident Evil Games That Desperately Need A Remake

2. Resident Evil 0

resident evil Code veronica

This was so close to being a great game you can almost taste it. Don't tastes zombies!

As the name suggests, it's a prequel to the first game and uses the same fixed camera angles as the original remake. You take control of Rebecca Chambers, the only surviving member of Alpha Team from the first game, and Billy Coen, a man so unmemorable you probably forgot his name already.

There was a definite desire to shake up the formula back then, with elements of co-op that saw players having to juggle between both characters and relying on the AI. Items could only be shared and carried between the characters; no more item boxes. As expected, that could get quite irritating; most players longed for the old school way of doing things. All of it feels like an experiment that only partially worked.

The story and characters are underdeveloped, naturally, plus the new enemies are some of the most generic and frustrating: they're big leeches... spooky!

However, there are some great levels, like the opening train area as well as the usual brooding atmosphere. The graphics are top notch too, so it wouldn't need a huge overhaul, just some refining and more interesting enemies.


Alex Harvey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.