10 Ridiculous Gaming Rumours That Never Came True

6. Pong - The First Arcade Video Game? I Think Not!


Video games really have come a long way, stemming from the Ray Tube & Chess, to modern titles such as Skyrim & FIFA 13, and it really is amazing by how far video games have developed in a relatively short space of time. One claim has been that "Pong" was the first arcade video game released, but this isn't at all true. The rumour has been around for decades now and some people still believe this to be true, but the reality is that Pong was not at all the first video arcade game released, but the third. The first video game we saw hit the arcades was a game going by "Computer Space" (released 1971) a game which didn't really take off simply due to the game being deemed too hard by those who played it and as of this never really got any acclaim making it an afterthought. We saw Pong nearly a year later after the release of Computer Space and as of the sheer simplicity that the game entails, sales boomed and still remains one of the most recognised video games of all time. For those wondering what the second AVG was, it was a game system called the "Magnavox", yet another which didn't really spike a lot of interest. More of Computer Space and the game itself can be seen here. You can make your own mind up if you think it.
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