10 Ridiculous Gaming Rumours That Never Came True

3. Bigfoot In San Andreas

bigfoot Grand Theft Auto has been home to many great Easter Eggs and this was yet another that was rumoured to be tucked away in one of their more recent releases. The myth itself does seem in fact rather logical and considering the surroundings of the area it is suggested to take place, I guess it would be something you would take a real belief in and this one got me big time. Like most rumours I have heard, it came from a friend in which he probably picked up from another friend and so and so so forth until it leads to some guy coming across it online, and the rumour was that located near Mt.Chiliad on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, if you went at the right time, Bigfoot would appear in the mountains. So me being bored having completed the game to the one hundredth percentile (I am not boasting at all), decided to roam the lands to find the illusive beast. It turned out to be all in vain and was eventually realised by all that this was indeed a myth. I still had some fun hunting the ol' chap though.
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