10 Ridiculous Video Game Puzzles Everyone Cheated For

8. The Owl - Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

Metal Gear Solid Owl Puzzle

Trust Hideo Kojima to categorically screw with gamers before it was cool in his 1990 sequel to the original Metal Gear.

Years before he had us battling The End for what felt like an eternity, Metal Gear 2 stumped players with an absurd late-game puzzle which trapped Snake behind a laser fence with no immediate means of circumventing it.

Explore the area and you'll learn from a child that the lasers are, for some reason, turned off at night, and given that the game doesn't have day-night cycles, you need to find a way to trigger the eve onset yourself.

Venture further afield and you'll eventually find a lab containing an egg of all things. Carry it around long enough and it'll eventually hatch into an owl, which can then be shown to the patrolling guard, who will be tricked into believing it's night time and deactivate the laser fence.

This is one of those puzzles that's absolutely maddening when you can't figure out the answer, but once you know the ridiculously out-there solution, you can't not laugh.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.