10 Most Ruthless Serial Killers In Video Games

7. The TV Killer - Persona 4

We're going for 'The TV Killer' to avoid title spoilers here. Atlus are one of the best developers we currently have, releasing the fantastically in-depth and characterful Persona 4 on PS2 back in 2008 - right when everyone was looking for a killer app on the then-new PS3. Still their mastery of the older hardware allowed them to deliver one of the most comprehensive and detailed worlds seen on the console, putting you in the shoes of a character of your own naming, who then has to juggle otherwordly magic and spells with a demanding high school social life. In-game you'll spend a great many hours in another parallel dimension that exists inside the televisions of the world itself - somewhere that killer Tohru Adachi has been dragging his bodies. Considering Adachi starts out as a good-natured rookie cop you frequently meet up with, when all the real revelations start pouring in it's great fun - especially as after a ton of misdirection the game hands everything over to you to point the final accusatory finger. Lastly it's worth mentioning that even after things appear to be fully wrapped up, there's an additional plot thread you can tug at to reveal a 'real' killer who was pulling some strings all along, but for the most part it's the craziness of Adachi's true intentions that make it work so well.
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