10 Scandals That DESTROYED Fallout 76

6. Data Breach


This is the first of the more serious scandals that have rocked Fallout 76, even though it didn’t generate the headlines the way that some other ones did.

Perhaps it’s because the data breach came as an add on to a scandal which had already generated so much press; this was a barnacle stuck to the bottom of an already diseased fish. The diseased fish in question will be discussed in more depth later on, so for now we’ll focus on the barnacle part.

To deal with the, ahem, fallout of a PR disaster, Bethesda opened a support ticket system. However, the personal information of others in this queue was exposed, and a bad turn of events became so much worse for Bethesda and their customers.

There wasn’t even any hacking or malicious software involved here, it was simply a failure at Bethesda’s end. Some customers, upon logging a ticket, were able to see the names, emails and partial credit card information of other customers who’d previously done the same. Bethesda's handling was just awful all around here.

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Fallout 76
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)