10 Scariest Enemies In Non-Horror Games

6. Queen Gohma - The Legend Of Zelda- Ocarina Of Time

spiderman monster ock

Yes, any Zelda fan will advocate for Ocarina of Time’s Redeads here, and they absolutely bear mentioning. Those horrific shrieks, their uncanny movement, the fact that they’re quite clearly zombies of some form or another… the game certainly can get dark, but these things’ existence and the implications of such aren’t a whole lot of fun to dwell on. The arachnophobes among us, though, would argue that a ‘Parasitic Armored Arachnid’ with an enormous, ghastly, staring eyeball is a more nightmarish prospect all-around.

Queen Gohma is encountered in the Deku Tree, and isn’t the most difficult boss as a result. This is, after all, the tutorial dungeon, in which players cut their teeth. That doesn’t mean she isn’t as imposing as they come, however, with her wall-crawling antics and ability to mob you with her little spiderlings if you aren’t quick at dispatching the eggs. 

If you’re one of those people who has to check around their toilet before using it at night after watching the film Arachnophobia (yes, that is a confession on this writer’s part), you might appreciate why Gohma can be so frightening.

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