10 Scariest Levels In Non-Horror Video Games

6. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Infected Mother Base Zone

Detroit Become Human

As a franchise, Metal Gear has occasionally dabbled in the weird and wonderful, but never into the extreme horrors. Alright, the horrors of battle notwithstanding...

The Phantom Pain introduced new fantastical elements and retcons into the series, but the storyline regarding a highly infectious vocal chord parasite was a new one. Even if you were on top of which language was spreading the outbreak, there was no way of escaping this moment.

After receiving a call to return to base to inspect the outbreak in Mother Base's ranks, Snake is left with no choice but to eliminate his infected men.

It's not outright horror per se, there's no jumpscares or big horrible monsters. Just you, having to mercifully kill your men indiscriminately to stop the outbreak spreading to the mainland.

In terms of psychological horror, it was top notch. To have to murder men in cold blood, in essence, was a real testament to the greater good. What's worse, you couldn't not do it. You had to pull the trigger on these men, who'd only lived to serve and respected you.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.