10 Scariest Metal Gear Solid Boss Fights

6. Ninja

Metal Gear Solid 3 The Sorrow

Gray Fox, otherwise known as Ninja, lurks like a ghost throughout the early part of Metal Gear Solid 1. With his gravelly voice, stealth camouflage and tendency to leave a pile of corpses in his tracks, Ninja casts a sense of fear over everyone from Snake to the genome soldiers.

The MGS 1 boss fight takes place in a lab entered through a hallway strewn with dead guards. Immune to bullets, shrouded by stealth camouflage and flipping from side to side while spitting bone chilling quips, it's easy to see why scientist Otacon hid himself in a cupboard when faced down by this baddie.

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Glasgow-based freelancer with a love of Pokémon and anime. Has a cool greyhound.