10 Sci-Fi Games To Play While Waiting For Mass Effect 4

9. XCOM: Enemy Unknown

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2K Games

XCOM may not be as old or as renowned as Alien, but it's certainly got a heritage behind it. An amalgamation of UFO: Enemy Unknown and the X-COM series, 2012's reboot was a welcome surprise.

Saying that, the welcome soon turned to frustration when people actually played it. For the faint-hearted, it is not.

Yet don't let that put you off, in the same way you should at least try Dark Souls or Bloodborne.

XCOM is a tactical, grid - and turn - based strategy game that requires some forward thinking to each mission. Skirmishes aren't quick, instead a violent chess game that take time and planning.

Well, if chess were humans versus aliens utilising futuristic weaponry, I mean.

It's not just the warfare aspect that makes XCOM engrossing though, as base and squad management are just as important as the battles. Maintaining global defence against an alien aggressor has never been so involving, yet also rewarding when you keep on top of it.

It paved the way for some sequels (and a lousy, 3rd person spin-off), but Enemy Unknown should be your first port of call if you fancy something different.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.