10 Secret Details That Answer HUGE Video Game Questions

4. Blackwater Athletics Team - Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)

red dead redemption 2
Rockstar Games

There are plenty of strange and mysterious things to discover in the world of Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2. From a ghost train, ritual sites, and vampire, exploring every part of this expansive map is more than worth the effort.

One of the more sinister things players can stumble upon is an article about the missing Blackwater Athletics team, who went out for a run and never returned. It’s possible to discover their fate by heading into the wilderness of the Tall Trees area. Here, players can find their mass grave where severed limbs forming the letter B can be found nearby.

Although the authorities have been unable to apprehend the murderer, a tiny detail in the side quest Look Upon My Works sheds some light on who the person responsible is.

After following the breadcrumb trail of clues left by a twisted serial killer, players will eventually enter the lair of one Edmund Lowry. Alongside finding unsettling letters and grizzly remains decorating his hideout, players can also spot more severed limbs arranged in a B shape.

This tiny detail not only implies that Lowry killed the team, but it also shows the level of attention that Rockstar put into creating this incredible game.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.