10 Secret Details That Answer HUGE Video Game Questions

3. Secret Message - Dead Space (2008)

red dead redemption 2
Electronic Arts

From its incredibly claustrophobic and atmospheric setting to its ingenious dismemberment mechanic that kept every enemy encounter nerve-shatteringly tense, there are plenty of things about sci-fi survival horror Dead Space which makes it one of the best horror games ever made.

Another of these reasons which made protagonist Isaac Clarke’s nightmarish ordeal in the Ishumura so memorable was a masterful twist near the end of the game which subverted everything that players thought they knew.

While it’s thought that Isaac’s girlfriend Nicole had managed to survive the alien outbreak on the mining ship, with her even aiding Isaac at certain points during the game, a gut punch twist in the finale revealed that Nicole has been dead the entire time. What players thought was Nicole were in fact hallucinations caused by the alien artefact known as the Marker.

However, this game’s unexpected twist was hiding right under the player’s nose the whole time within a message hidden within the chapter titles.

By taking the first letter of each of the game’s 12 chapters, players will discover that they spell out the words "NICOLE IS DEAD".

It's an ingenious detail which most players won't notice while playing that exemplifies just how clever this game is.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.