10 Secret NPCs Hidden In Video Games

7. Dobson - Stardew Valley

Bloodborne Blood Corpse
Eric Barone

Stardew Valley's game data contains a number of unused files, including a discarded alternate opening sequence where players can explore the interior of the bus that first drops them off at Stardew Valley.

You can talk to a number of NPCs on the bus, though there's one who sticks out from the bunch, and that's Dobson.

Dobson will emerge from the bathroom while talking on the phone to his boss, and loudly announce himself as working on behalf of the game's villainous Joja Corporation.

This is interesting because Dobson was actually originally intended to be one of Stardew Valley's main villains - a mid-level Joja employee attempting to undermine your progress throughout the game in order to climb the corporate ladder.

Developer Eric Barone aka ConcernedApe stated that he decided to remove Dobson from the game because he wanted a less confrontational villain, settling instead on the more benign JojaMart manager Morris.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.