10 Secret Video Game Endings That Took INCREDIBLE Effort To Unlock

8. Nuclear Disarmament - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid V

Though it's been well-documented at this point that Metal Gear Solid V was released incomplete with its planned third chapter effectively being scrapped, Hideo Kojima did however include an additional ending sequence with intensely strict unlock conditions.

Several months after the game's release, Konami confirmed a "Nuclear Disarmament Event," whereby a secret ending could be unlocked if every single player in a player's given region dismantled all the nuclear weapons in their own forward operating base.

Though the ending, in which Big Boss and co. celebrate the de-proliferation of nukes worldwide, was ultimately leaked by data miners, unlocking it the hard way proved virtually impossible due to those trolls who simply didn't want to give fans what they desired.

To date the ending has never in fact been triggered correctly on any platform, though in early 2018 it was accidentally launched due to a technical error which caused the game's servers to read the nuke count as zero.

As a result, players who returned to Mother Base got to see the ending for a limited time, until Konami corrected the issue.

Everyone else has had to make do with simply watching a video of it - minus that fleeting satisfaction of thinking that every player in your region actually did the right thing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.