10 Secret Video Game Transformations EVERYONE Missed

1. Noggenfogger Elixir Skeleton - World Of Warcraft

world of warcraft skeleton

You don't have to be a druid or a shaman to be able to transform yourself in World of Warcraft. The game offers its players a wide range of special transformation toys that let you temporarily alter your appearance into basically anything, from pirates to robots and chickens.

However, if you're looking for a little functionality to go along with your new form, look no further than the skeleton transformation with the use of Gadgetzan's special Noggenfogger Elixir.

The elixir is unlocked for purchase by completing a series of Gadgetzan quests in the desert region of Tanaris. It allows you to turn yourself into a skeleton, but it also has a small chance to transform you into a tiny skeleton, which is where all the fun begins.

You see, the smaller version of the skeleton form is perfect for slipping into locations that you normally wouldn't be able to reach. Back in the classic vanilla days of WoW, it was even notorious for being used for clipping into out-of-bounds spaces, which is why it was eventually nerfed a little bit.

This said, if you are creative enough, you can still do some pretty outlandish and possibly game-breaking things with it.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.