10 Secret Ways You Can Turn Bad Video Game Endings Into Good Ones

9. Saving Nere - Baldur's Gate 3

cyberpunk dont fear the reaper ending

Baldur's Gate 3 has so many different dialogue options and gameplay choices that to this day, people discover new things about it, including new resolutions to different questlines.

One such resolution is the secret good outcome to the evil ending of the main Underdark mission in Act 1.

In the mission, you have to choose between siding with the cult of the Absolute or helping a group of enslaved gnomes escape from under its grasp.

If you choose the former option and help Nere, the Absolute's cultist in charge of the gnomes, the drow will kill them all.

At that point, if you feel a bit guilty about it or you simply don't want the Absolute to succeed, you can still follow a specific chain of dialogue options to break the Absolute's control over Nere's mind and convince him to abandon the cult.

This secret choice doesn't save the slaves, but if you already let them die, it's the second-best outcome to this part of the story.

And sure, Nere doesn't enjoy a lot of love within Baldur's Gate 3's community, but it's still pretty neat there is a secret way to save him from being a brainwashed lackey.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.