10 Secret Ways You Can Turn Bad Video Game Endings Into Good Ones

7. A Noble Selfish Sacrifice - Until Dawn

cyberpunk dont fear the reaper ending
Supermassive Games

Similar to House of Ashes, Supermassive's first horror title, Until Dawn, also has you ruin a relationship and endanger one of your survivors in order to reach a more satisfying ending.

Matt, one of the eight playable protagonists, is one of the hardest characters to keep alive in the game, as saving him requires you to pick a rather awful and counterintuitive option in the second half of the story.

When he and his girlfriend Emily head to the radio tower that collapses beneath them, you have to pick between Matt saving Emily or jumping to safety.

Because leaving her can result in a strained relationship at best and her death at worst, most players choose to help her.

However, those who go with the worse option are secretly the winners here, as even though it does ruin Emily's and Matt's relationship, it is also the only way to avoid an instant death cutscene that kills Matt after he tries to help Emily up.

And yes, you also endanger Emily in the process, but unlike Matt, she does get a chance to survive the fall into the mines.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.