10 Sequel-Proof Video Game Endings (That Got Sequels Anyway)

5. Final Fantasy X

Yakuza 6
Square Enix

Because every entry in Final Fantasy is different each time, every story gets to end as definitively as they want. And FFX has one of the most complete endings in the franchise.

There's seemingly nowhere else to go after the end of Final Fantasy X. Spira's religion and government have irreparably collapsed, their god and devil figures are dead, and just to top things off, the main character very thoroughly dies to close us out. The premise that the story starts out with is not only upended, it is burnt to the ground, unable to ever go back.

Well, that was the case, but then FFX became one of the biggest things in the entire PlayStation 2 library, and one of the highest-selling RPGs of all time. So yeah, a sequel was ordered from on high.

Naturally, FFX-2 carries the only tone possible after an ending like that: "Now what?"

FFX-2's story is far from perfect, but following up an ending like X's is a herculean task, and it's a miracle X-2 wasn't just a complete disaster from minute one.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?