10 Serious Gaming Moments That Were Unintentionally Hilarious

2. €œAll Your Base Are Belong To Us.€ €“ Zero Wing

Zero Wing will forever be a case study of video game translation gone wrong. The Mega Drive version of the shoot €˜em up features an added cut scene which tries to flesh out the game€™s story a little more; in Japanese, it all makes perfect sense. In English, it€™s a whole different story. The Japanese version sees a man/alien/cyborg named CATS take over a series of military bases, causing the Captain of one base turn to the player character (named ZIG) to save the day. In English however, everyone seems to have lost a few brain cells as it makes next to no sense. It does however feature hilariously great lines like: €œSomeone set up us the bomb€ and €œYou have no chance to survive make your time€. The icing on the cake though is CATS€™ declaration that €œAll your base are belong to us€; you€™d give up all hope immediately if you were in the room at that moment. It€™s amazingly sinister and stupendously dumb all at once and that€™s why it€™s so darn funny. Thank you poor English translation!

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.