10 Serious Gaming Moments That Were Unintentionally Hilarious

3. €œSnake? Snake!? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!?€ €“ The Metal Gear Solid Series

One of the great things about Metal Gear Solid is that it doesn€™t take itself too seriously. Sure, it does tell a huge, sprawling story about mysterious men controlling the lives of every innocent American but it also knows how to have a laugh and that€™s why we love it so much. There€™s so much fourth wall breaking throughout the series that it€™s possible that every line in the game is a deliberate joke on the player; at one point, Snake derides the simulation trained Genome soldiers as €œvideo game players€. Snake€™s so smooth that we never really hate him for his constant ribbing but it€™s actually the voice in his ear that provides the first game with its most memorable line. Roy Campbell (aka the Colonel) supports Snake via codec throughout the Shadow Moses mission and is a constant ally throughout. If something should go wrong though and Snake dies, Roy has a tendency to call out for him through the codec before screaming to the heavens: €œSNAAAAAAKE!€ You can almost picture him on his knees in a command centre somewhere, cursing the powers above for taking away his most successful agent. The line is undoubtedly Hideo Kojima€™s way of mocking overly dramatic scenes from other action genre films and games, but it€™s also a memorable and hilarious moment in a phenomenal game.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.