10 Serious Gaming Moments That Were Unintentionally Hilarious

6. €œI AM ERROR.€ €“ The Legend Of Zelda 2: Link's Awakening

Easily one of the more bizarre moments from a video game, The Legend Of Zelda 2: Link€™s Awakening features a man who will introduce himself to Link with the immortal quote: €œI AM ERROR.€ This dialogue was originally seen as an error (pun intended) in the game€™s programming but translations from the Japanese version of the game prove that Error is actually called€ Error. Even stranger; Error is actually a semi-important character in Link€™s Adventure. After meeting Error, Link is later advised to return to him by a man called Bagu (Bagu is how the word bug would be spelt in romanised Japanese, fact fans) as Error apparently knows a secret path into the isolated Island Palace. Thankfully, Bagu isn€™t making any errors (yes, we're sorry) and our old friend Error tells Link of the hidden route into the Palace. Still, he€™ll forever be known as the guy that famously announced his bizarre name in dramatic capitals and that€™s why we love him. Some questions still need answering though. Does Error loudly announce himself to everyone who enters his home? Is he set to star in his own spin-off game? Also, what were his parents thinking?

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.