10 Serious Gaming Moments That Were Unintentionally Hilarious

5. €œThe Master Of Unlocking€ €“ Resident Evil

Looking back, it would be easy to write Resident Evil off as a €˜B Movie€™ game; the characters and setting are as cliché as they come and the story didn€™t break new ground either. Still, it worked, because Capcom knew how to take those elements and turn them into a game which could haunt you yet keep you entertained. The entertainment part may not have been intentional though. On paper, the script for the game (while still being cheesy) seems pretty standard fare for a horror game from the 90s. When read out by professional voice actors (with a tendency to overdramatise everything), that script suddenly becomes a comedy goldmine, filled with stupid lines and hilariously blunt statements. For example, imagine being trapped in a room where the ceiling is slowly descending towards you (apologies to any claustrophobic readers). Imagine being saved from that predicament by a mountain of a human being who then utters the line: €œYou were almost a sandwich!€ You€™d go mental at them. €œA Jill Sandwich€ is just one classic Barry Burton line but there€™s another that€™s arguably far better known. Early on in the game, he hands the protagonist Jill Valentine a lockpick and regards her as €œthe Master of Unlocking€. A bizarre statement that requires a bit of reading into; do you have to have a degree in unlocking before you can go onto become a Master in it? Why would the Master of Unlocking not be carrying a lockpick with her anyway? Then again, being trapped in that mansion would be enough to drive anyone insane; poor Barry may just be a victim of circumstance.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.