10 Serious Video Games With INCREDIBLY Silly Moments

9. Kojima's Pee Problem - Metal Gear Solid

Heavy Rain jason

Now, it's worth saying from the offset that Metal Gear Solid isn't entirely a serious game, by any definition of the word.

However, it's usually silly in a slightly campy, Austin Powers-style way that many spy games and films can be. In short, it's usually silly in the sense that most of the women romp around in skimpy outfits and fall in love with Snake, and that you get in more weird overdramatic fights than ever thought possible.

So you might find yourself fairly surprised when, all of sudden, you are confronted the fact that Otacon - your friendly assistant - has pissed himself after being confronted with a Cyborg Ninja.

Against all logic, this opens the gates for all sorts of weird urine-related incidents happening. In the course of the first game you are pissed on not only by a wolf, but also a human man, as you attempt to sneak around your unsuspecting enemies.

However, this did all appear to pave the way for Death Stranding, Kojima's next work after the Gears series, which contains oceans more bodily fluids than in any of the Metal Gear Solid franchise. So, if for whatever reason you enjoyed the piss party that was the first game, you know where to get more of your weird kicks.

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Heavy Rain
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