10 Serious Video Games With INCREDIBLY Silly Moments

8. The Santa Suit - Monster Hunter World

Heavy Rain jason

While Monster Hunter World has too many too many cute cat assistants to be considered a totally serious game, hunting all sorts of terrifying and intimidating creatures is a pretty intense task.

But, thankfully, you don't always have to look so serious when you hunt them. This is because you can equipped layered armour, which allows you to change the appearance of whatever you are wearing, while keeping the stats of your best (and most boring) gear.

There are many delightfully silly variants of this, as you can do everything from change yourself into a monster head to dress like Geralt from the Witcher, provided you get the right layered armour. By far, though, the most surreal set has to be the Orion set, which turns your grizzled hunting veteran into Santa Claus.

Even if this initially doesn't seem too silly to you, the minute you get out into a fight and Father Christmas busts out his sword, it definitely will. On the plus side, it should also remind you to be kind so you're on Santa's good list - or he might come to your house and challenge you to a duel with a sword that's bigger than he is.

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Heavy Rain
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