10 Serious Video Games With INCREDIBLY Silly Moments

7. Ellie Reads Bearskin Magazine - The Last Of Us

Heavy Rain jason

In general, zombie games tend to veer towards a more serious tone than most other games. While we all enjoy a spot of lighthearted undead mauling in Dead Island or Dead Rising, zombies do naturally suit a darker storyline.

And The Last of Us is arguably one of the darkest zombie games out there, providing you enough tense moments with fungus-ridden undead that you'll never quite look at a mushroom the same way.

However, it also manages to balance all of this out with some lighter moments.

The funniest of these is unmistakably when Ellie reveals to Joel that she managed to find a porn mag after visiting the latter's friend, Bill.

And not just any lewd magazine, either, as the title reads 'Bearskin', and contains a burly man front and centre.

Joel expresses his fatherly horror at seeing Ellie holding the piece of grot, but she happily reads through it anyway. And given all the death and turmoil the pair go through, a bit of silly banter over pictures of naked dudes is maybe what they needed, in a weird way.

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Heavy Rain
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