10 Serious Video Games With INCREDIBLY Silly Moments

6. "JASON!" - Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain jason
Sony Computer Entertainment

Heavy Rain is a game that contains child murder, crawling through broken glass, and cutting parts of your own body off. Paradoxically, it also contains also of the most hilarious scenes of any game of all time, and it was created entirely by accident.

After your child, Jason, goes missing in a busy shopping centre, you're left shouting into the crowd to try and find him. To give the player some sense of control, there's a button prompt that lets you shout your son's name - which is technically a good idea, in theory.

In practice, there appears to be about three different lines recorded, meaning that when you press the button repeatedly, hilarity ensues. Instead of sounding like a man who has lost his son, Ethan sounds like a child who is learning how to say his own name, and it's all so ridiculous it'll leave you spamming X and laughing hysterically.

To make matters worse, this is supposed to be the tense set up that leads to Jason getting hit by a car - but it's very, very unlikely you'll have built that tension, because you'll have been too busy goofing around.

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Heavy Rain
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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.