10 Serious Video Games With INCREDIBLY Silly Moments

5. The Abstergo Challenge Cheats - Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag

Heavy Rain jason

Unless you're Deadpool, assassination is rarely a lighthearted task. As such, while the Assassin Creed series is good fun, it's also a pretty serious game for the most part.

Though the games have lighter moments, there's only really one point at which they because ridiculous, and that's if you complete the Abstergo Challenges in Black Flag and enable the cheat codes they give you.

The more Challenges you finish, the more silly cheats you unlock. This starts with things like making Edward speak like a pirate all the time, and amps up steadily until you can do things like change all your enemies into Rabbids.

Hilariously, some of the other things the challenges unlock can be incredibly useful, as you gain abilities like invulnerability, or even unlimited ammo. As such, you're going to want to complete every challenge - which means you're almost definitely going to try every ridiculous cheat at least once.

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Heavy Rain
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