10 Serious Video Games With INCREDIBLY Silly Moments

4. Siegmeyer Of Catrina's Narcolepsy - Dark Souls

Heavy Rain jason
Namco Bandai Games

Aside from the endless internet memes created around it, Dark Souls is a pretty gloomy game. Everyone you meet is either dead or dying, and the vast majority would like to break your little zombie skull open. And they're generally all way stronger than you, so they almost definitely can.

But in this miasma of suffering stands one lone jolly figure. Said figure is Siegmeyer of Catrina, and there's a very good chance he'll be the only friendly face you see in many of your playthroughs.

Not only is good ol' Sieg a happy-go-lucky fellow, he also somehow manages to make his habit of falling asleep literally everywhere completely charming. Almost all of the most deadly areas in the game have a spot where you can find the Onion Knight snoozing away, before waking up to see you and ask for a little spot of help.

Though many of these quests will leave you silently cursing him as you get swarmed by enemies, it's nice to get to do some favours for your one sleepy friend in an otherwise totally hostile land. Just hope you don't accidentally kill him at the end of his quest line - or all these laughs will quickly turn to tears.

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Heavy Rain
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