10 Seriously Twisted Quests In Video Games

6. The Gilding - The Forgotten City

the forgotten city
Modern Storyteller

The Forgotten City is a phenomenal little game that launched in 2021 and while it’s already weird that you’ve fallen into a Roman city stuck in a time loop, the quest at the game’s core is probably its most disturbing.

I have to do a bit of spoiling here so if you haven’t played this one yet and you’re keen to get into it come meet me over at number five.

The thing you need to know is that the titular city is filled with golden statues. Which is weird. And you know that when a ‘golden rule’ is broken, like murdering or stealing, the statues come alive and start killing people and everyone in the city turns to gold. At one point you find yourself in a sprawling underground palace riddled with statues and while they’re certainly trying to take you out you realise they’re only doing so so that you’ll retaliate and kill them.

The statues are creepy enough as it is but it’s all the more distressing when you discover they’re in permanent torment which is why they thank you for ending their suffering. You discover that these statues are people, trapped in gold forever for having broken the city’s rule in its earlier iterations. As if that isn’t bad enough a woman named Naevia has decided to try and cure the statues by ripping apart the gold shell to get to the person beneath which in short did not work.

And in a slightly longer explanation, she was essentially flaying these people alive in the hopes of finding a cure to save her lover.

There’s plenty more to the story and your journey through it but to sum up it’s pretty incredibly messed up.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.