10 Severely Underrated Star Wars Games You Must Play
7. Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles
Although Episode I the movie wasnt exactly well received by Star Wars fans, it did actually spawn a few decent games. The official movie tie-in game was actually pretty decent (despite having one level which was virtually impossible to beat without knowing how), but Jedi Power Battles went past decent and into the realms of good. Loosely following the plot of Episode I, Jedi Power Battles is somewhat of a cross between a side-scrolling beat-em-up, an arcade-style fighter, and a platformer. Many of the levels have some sort of platforming puzzles built into them, which require some amount of timing and skill to cross successfully. While youre not doing that, you have to lightsaber away the many droids and other enemies that youll come across, most of which take a good few hits to go down. There are a few vehicle sections as well, but those arent as good since other games do such things much better than seen here. However, the lightsaber duel sections are pretty good, and the powerups are interesting enough (especially the one that makes your saber enormous for no real reason). With an additional two-player co-op mode built in and plenty of unlockables, Jedi Power Battles is one of the positives that came out of Episode I.