10 Severely Underrated Star Wars Games You Must Play

6. Star Wars Kinect

Ever since the concept of motion sensors was introduced to the world of gaming, for a lot of people that meant one thing and one thing only €“ actual lightsaber fights, because that would be goddamn amazing. Star Wars Kinect promised us that, and much, much more. Although it didn€™t quite hit our (admittedly lofty) expectations, there€™s still a fairly solid game to be found underneath. Lightsaber fighting is extremely cool when you let yourself drift into full-blown immersion, and although the droid sections can be very simplistic, when you€™re swinging and dodging around against Darth Vader, it can be a ton of fun. Other modes are a bit hit and miss €“ the Rancor Rampage game is a bit tedious and unresponsive, for example. However, the podracing sections aren€™t bad (and have some awesome track environments), and there€™s a perfectly competent Just Dance clone available in Galactic Dance Off mode €“ complete with Star Wars-themed songs. Gaming with the Kinect (and the corresponding PlayStation Move) never really took off €“ the motion sensing tech just isn€™t quite responsive or sophisticated enough yet to make it a viable alternative to buttons. Having said that, of the Kinect-only games that did come out, Star Wars Kinect was definitely in the top tier, and if you do happen to have one, worth checking out.
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