10 Silly Video Games With Incredibly Serious Moments

1. The Final Fight - EarthBound

Franklin Animal Crossing

Okay, so anyone going into EarthBound nowadays is sure to know that it's got more cosmic horror than Cthulu could dream of having - that goes almost without saying. But, for a long while after the game's initial release, it didn't possess this iconic status, especially with some European audiences.

And so you could easily grab it expecting another light-hearted RPG romp, an idea that would only seem validated when you discovered your heroes were a bunch of generally well-meaning kids.

And it is, for the most part, wacky and loveable, able to evoke nostalgia even in those born after the game's release. You ride Nessie, and fight zombies, and have all sorts of wacky and unusual hijinks, complete with wacky and unusual enemies.

In short, it's weird, but it's weird in a way that is very charming and cute, to the point that it's almost comforting somehow. The ending, however, throws your comfort out of the window and holds a knife to your throat, as you fight Giygas, who is something out of a H.P Lovecraft horror book.

Because you can't even perceive Giygas' true form, with it appearing as an increasingly incomprehensible series of red screaming faces. You really feel like you're fighting some nightmarish eldritch abomination, all the whole playing as a little dude who is between twelve and thirteen years old.

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1. Who Is This?


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.